Make money intelligently and generate millions in Information.
Earn money wisely, while billions are thrown away every day in the garbage cans of every home in every part of the planet, we invite you to be part of a millionaire business, did anyone ever think of all the waste? Someone ever thought how much money we are wasting after consuming food, drinks, medicine boxes, hygiene items, all the cartons of the packaging, all the plastic bottles, all the glass jars, all the office papers, and much more. WasteInfonet is the creator of a system that will allow you to earn money in an intelligent way by turning all that waste into money, extra income that you will have monthly, only with a very simple technological system of barcode scanning from our app that you will have in your mobile phone, using 5G transfer data.
Then you will send this information to our processing platform, and we turn it into very valuable information so that hundreds of thousands of companies in the world receive strategic data to make decisions that will bring them millions in profits. We create value, a disruptive system that combines the most modern technology in a unit chain to achieve automation and a business that if you are able to save our WIF tokens, you will become a partner of the company with an excellent projection of profits that we will share once consolidated.
Companies will be happy to know real data of each household, how their consumers behave, and a universe of information that we can extract from the processing that exceeds all kinds of limits.
WasteInfonet, we have no limits in creating value.